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[Dear Dr. Ray, we are parents with teenage children. We have known each other for years; we love each other, we are comfortable with each other, but there is little affection. Is this normal? – Something is Missing] Of course, lack of affection typically reflects the relationship’s overall temperature. As the atmosphere cools, affection slips into hibernation. Then again, sometimes a marriage isn’t all that cold. Affection, like compliments, chills from lack of effort.
Family Life is Beautiful!
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI explained God’s love in his encyclical letter Deus Caritas Est or “God is Love.” Based on the history of salvation in the Bible, God reveals His love to people who believe and accept His love. Two points emerge from this. The first is the relationship between our love and the Divine. The second is the purification and growth in maturity of our love for one another. The theme for the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia in September 2015 is Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive! Why do we talk about love in the modern era?